Wednesday 23 December 2020

1. Fundamental Rights of Citizen


1. Fundamental Rights of Citizen



A. Objective Type Questions:

I. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Indian Constitution provides fundamental rights to its citizens.

(b) Right to free and compulsory education to children of age group 6-14 is granted under article by constitutional amendment.

II. Multiple Choice Questions:

(a) Child Labour is banned under:

(i) Right to freedom

(ii) Right to equality

(iii) Riga against exploitation

(iv) Right to constitutional remedies

(b) A Secular state means:

(i) A state that recognize only one Religion

(ii) A state that has no Religion

(iii) A Stale that has multi Religion

(iv) A state that doesn't establish any one Religion.

III. Write T (for true) and F (for False) statement:

(a) Rights are those essential conditions of life without which no one can lead a full happy life.

(b) Secularism means People are free to follow any Religion.


B. Very Short Answer Type Questions:

1. In which part of the Constitution Fundamental Rights are incorporated?

2. Which power has been conferred to Indian judiciary for the protection of fundamental rights?

3. Give the name of the bill in which Bal Gangadhar Tilak had demanded some rights for Indians from the British.

4. In which repott equal rights for women were demanded from Britishets?

 5. What is a reasonable claim recognised by the society and enforced by the state called?

6. When and under which amendment the right to propetty was excluded from the list of fundamental tights?

7. Name any two fundamental rights which have been provided to the foreigners also.

 8. Under which article — right to education has been enlisted in the list of fundamental fights?

9. From which article to which article fundamental rights have been enlisted (enumerated) in the constitution?

10. Under which article provision has been made against the evil of untouchability?


C. Short Answer Type Questions:

1. Explain in brief 'Right to equality'.

2. Write a note on 'Power of judicial review'.

3. What provisions have been made in Indian constitution for freedom of judiciary?

4. Explain in brief 'Right to freedom of Religion."

5. Which liberties have been given to the Indian citizens under Art?

6. Write a note on 'Right against Exploitation'.

7. 'How our fundamental rights are fundamental in nature’?


D. Log Answer Type Questions:

1. Explain in brief the nature of fundamental rights.

2. Explain in brief the provisions made under Art 20-22.

3. Explain in brief the provisions made under Art 25-28 with reference to right to freedom of religion.

4. What do you know about tight to constitutional remedies? Explain in brief.


Activity - Match with options:

(a) Article 15             Freedom to profess any Religion, Freedom to belief

(b) Article 23              Right to Constitutional Remedies

(c) Article 32              Right to Free and Compulsory Education

(d) Article 22              Prohibition of Discrimination

(e) Article 21A           Prevention of Forced Labour and traffic in human beings

(f) Articles 25              Rights to Prisoners of conscience