Thursday 17 December 2020

The last leaf


The last leaf

Q.1. Who was Johnsy and Sue? What happened to Johnsy?

Ans. They were young artists and friends. Johnsy was seriously ill with Pneumonia.

Q.2. What did Johnsy feel about her illness?

Ans. She thought she would die with the fall of the last ivy leaf.

Q.3. Why did Johnsy look at the ivy leaves carefully?

Ans. She linked her health with the fall of the leaves.

Q.4. Who was Behrman?

Ans. He was a sixty years old painter. He wanted to paint a masterpiece.

Q.5. How was Johnsy saved?

Ans. Behrman painted an ivy leaf on the wall. Johnsy saw the last leaf still there. She regained her will to live and was saved.

Q.6. What happened to Behrman and why?

Ans. He painted an ivy leaf to save Johnsy. He worked in a stormy night and got pneumonia. He died after two days.

Q.7. What was Behrman‟s masterpiece?

Ans. The ivy leaf he painted was his masterpiece.

Q. Who were Sur and Johnsy?

Ans.  Sur and Johnsy were artists and friends.

Q.  What happened to Johnsy?

Ans.  Johnsy fall ill.

Q.   What did Sue do to make Johnsy feel happy?

Ans.  Sue brought her drawing board into Johnsy’s room and painted there and kept whistling to keep Johnsy’s mind off from her illness.