Thursday 17 December 2020

Wishes Come True


Wishes Come True

Q.1. What did the Lady of Wishes give to both the father and the son?

Ans. The father wished to be young and the son wished to grow old. The Lady of Wishes granted their wishes.

Q.2. What changes took place in Sushil?

Ans. He had grown old. He became bald, and got beard on his face. He could not climb a tree, dive into a pool or eat green mangoes.

Q.3. What happened to Subalchandra after his wish was granted?

Ans. He had become a child. He got back his teeth. His beard and moustache had gone. He did not like to go to school. He wanted to play.

Q.4. Was Subalchandra happy with the change? Why?

Ans. No, he was not happy. He wanted to sit among his old friends.

Q.5. What happened when the Lady of Wishes changed them once more?

Ans. Subal was the same old man and Sushil was the same little boy.

Q.  Why did Sushilchandra’s  neighbours  get angry with him?

Ans. Sushilchandra’s  neighbours  get angry with him because of his trick played on them.

Q.  Why did Sushil not want to go to school one Saturday? What  happened then?

Ans. Sushil not want to go to school one Saturday  because  there was a class test in Geography and secondly there would be firework show in the evening.

Q. Why did the Lady of Wishes grant wishes to both the father and the son?

Ans. The Lady of Wishes grant wishes to both the father and the son because both of them were not happy in their positions.

Q.  What changes took place in Sushil?

Ans. He was grown so much overnight that his clothes had burst their seams. His face was covered with grey stubble, and he had also become bald.

Q. What happened to Subalchandra  after his wish was granted?

Ans. He had become very small. He had got back all his teeth and lost his beard and moustache. His clothes were now much too big for him.