students, often, life is not short, rather, people start living at late stage.
So, try to live with ful enthusiasm. Moral values and life skills, included in
this book will help you to live an examplinary life. Lets have a sharp view of
all these values and skills at the end of the book.
Activity 1
Dear students try to recall the names of all the values and life skills as honesty, truthfulness, sympathy, empathy, cooperation, hard-work, dedication, discipline, responsibility, justice, rationality, reasoning, creativity, faith, self-confidence, concentration, patience, tolerance, commitment and firmness etc.
there will be a competition like Antakshri between two or three groups of
class. But here you have to make the next word from only value and life skill
vocabulary, from the last letter of the previous word. In short, we can understand
it as an Antakshri based not on songs, but on name of qualities.
For example
Team A Team B
Faith (H) Honest
(T) Truthfulnes (S) Self-confidence
you have kept these names in your mind, please keep these qualities in your
life also, which will continue to reflect in your behavior.
student of class please chose a quality or skill and speak a few words about it,
standing in front of the class. A student will act as an angry student sitting
near to black board, all the other students will try to help that angry and annoyed
student with the help of their quality or skill.
this way, we all will help each other collectively.